Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Checking In

We went to visit our friends at GoWesty a couple weekends ago so Gypsea could get a check-up, my
mom could get a cup holder console, and I could get some stickers.  We had a little time in the afternoon to explore, while GoWesty was taking care of business, so we walked down the road in search of food.  Our first stop was at a local bike shop.  We chit-chatted a bit and bought a couple of reflective bracelets.  These are actually pretty cool because they are big enough to wear around your ankle if desired, which would be perfect for running as well as biking.   As we continued our journey, our next stop was the gift shop Thyme and Chance.  We just happened to pass by it and we just happened to find a really neat California map tea towel.  After our tea towel shopping spree, we were kindly pointed in the direction of the Baywood Park restaurants.  Deciding which place to eat at was a challenge at first because there were so many great options, but then we found Good Tides Organic Bistro and we knew that was the spot for us.  We ordered and shared the Veggie Scramble, Sweet Potato Waffles, Mexican Cafe Mocha, and Kids Size Hot CoCo.  All of it was fantastic!  This place is so charming and the owner has really created some unique, delicious, and vegetarian/vegan friendly options.

After we relaxed a little at Good Tides, we hiked it back up to GoWesty and got the scoop on a quick, but awesome hike located close to the GoWesty headquarters.  This trail features pygmy oak trees that only reach about 12 feet in height.  This was a really interesting self guided tour that had labeled markers to identify the unique plant species, dirt trails, a magical picnic area, and stunning views.  The hike takes no time at all, but it's worth every minute.  So, where's the link to check it out and get directions you may be asking?  You'll just have to go into GoWesty and ask Ted for the details.  Also, grab some stickers while you're there.

Of course we couldn't waste a weekend at the beach, so we decided to stay an extra day and camp for the night.  In the morning we made stops  to the Avila Valley Barn (it has always been a dream of mine to spend one summer there making pies all day long), a quilt shop in Pismo, another quilt shop in Morro Bay, and Linn's in Cambria to pick up both a sweet and a savory pie as a little treat for my grandparents.  Not a bad way to spend a couple of days.

GoWesty's Syncro Fest van

New backdrop

I need this bag!

Baywood Park Pier

Sprinkles and Cinnamon!

So delicious!

Picnic area

Pygmy oak tree

Moss up close

Rose Grove


The solo thistle

Landscape #1

Landscape #2

Her turn to deposit the camp fees


Orange Swiss Chocolate... BEST EVER!

Dedication fence in Cambria

Lawn Bowling in Cambria... my Uncle has a retired locker here

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